Fluke MET/CAL Procedure ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: Omega CL23: (1 year) CAL VER /5500 DATE: 08-Sep-97 AUTHOR: Fluke Corporation REVISION: $Revision: 1.5 $ ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 38 NUMBER OF LINES: 144 CONFIGURATION: Fluke 5500A ============================================================================= # # Compatibility: # 5500/CAL 4.0 or MET/CAL 4.0 or later. # # Subprocedures: # None # # Required Files: # None # # System Specifications: # TUR calculation is based on specification interval of the accuracy file. # The default 5500A accuracy file contains 90 day specs. # # Fluke makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the fitness # or suitability of this procedure in the customer's application. # STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 ASK- P F V 1.002 ASK+ K X 1.003 HEAD PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTIONS 1.004 DISP Warm-up time: 30 min. - REQUIRED 1.004 DISP Temperature: 18 - 28 degC 1.004 DISP Humidity: <80% 1.005 HEAD {DISPLAY} 1.006 DISP Turn on the UUT. At power-up, the CL23 performs a 1.006 DISP display test. All segments and annunciators of the 1.006 DISP display should momentarily turned on. 1.007 EVAL Did {all segments of the display illuminate}? 2.001 OPBR Is the battery indicator still illuminated? 2.002 JMPF 2.004 2.003 DISP Replace the battery before proceeding. 2.004 HEAD {METER} 2.005 DISP Select METER mode. 2.006 RSLT = 2.007 HEAD {K TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 2.008 DISP Select Type K thermocouple, degF, and 0.1deg resolution 2.009 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the METER JACK (T2 2.009 DISP connector, top right side), using type K thermocouple 2.009 DISP wire and connectors. 2.010 5500 -325.0degF 0.1% 1U _K TC 2W 3.001 5500 0.0degF 0.1% 1U _K TC 2W 4.001 5500 2500.0degF 0.1% 1U _K TC 2W 5.001 DISP Select degC. 5.002 5500 -195.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TC 2W 6.001 5500 32.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TC 2W 7.001 5500 1370.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TC 2W 8.001 HEAD {J TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 8.002 DISP Select Type J thermocouple. 8.003 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the METER JACK (T2 8.003 DISP connector, top right side), using type J thermocouple 8.003 DISP wire and connectors. 8.004 5500 -200.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TC 2W 9.001 5500 32.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TC 2W 10.001 5500 750.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TC 2W 11.001 DISP Select degF. 11.002 5500 -340.0degF 0.1% 1U _J TC 2W 12.001 5500 0.0degF 0.1% 1U _J TC 2W 13.001 5500 1350.0degF 0.1% 1U _J TC 2W 14.001 HEAD {T TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 14.002 DISP Select Type T thermocouple. 14.003 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the METER JACK (T2 14.003 DISP connector, top right side), using type T thermocouple 14.003 DISP wire and connectors. 14.004 5500 -320.0degF 0.1% 1U _T TC 2W 15.001 5500 0.0degF 0.1% 1U _T TC 2W 16.001 5500 750.0degF 0.1% 1U _T TC 2W 17.001 DISP Select degC. 17.002 5500 -195.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TC 2W 18.001 5500 32.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TC 2W 19.001 5500 390.0degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TC 2W 20.001 HEAD {CALIBRATOR} 20.002 DISP Press the CALIB key (calibrator function). 20.003 ASK- N 20.004 RSLT = 20.005 HEAD {K TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 20.006 DISP Select Type K thermocouple, degF, and 1deg resolution. 20.007 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the CALIBRATOR JACK 20.007 DISP (T1 connector, top left side), using type K thermocouple 20.007 DISP wire and connectors. 20.008 DISP When instructed to enter a value to the UUT... 20.008 DISP first press CHANGE/ENTER, enter the value, then press 20.008 DISP CHANGE/ENTER. 20.009 DISP Enter -325 20.010 5500 -325degF 0.1% 1U _K TM 2W 21.001 DISP Enter 0 21.002 5500 0.0degF 0.1% 1U _K TM 2W 22.001 DISP Enter 2500 22.002 5500 2500degF 0.1% 1U _K TM 2W 23.001 DISP Select degC. 23.001 DISP Enter -195 23.002 5500 -195degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TM 2W 24.001 DISP Enter 32 24.002 5500 32degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TM 2W 25.001 DISP Enter 1370 25.002 5500 1370degC 0.1% 0.6U _K TM 2W 26.001 HEAD {J TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 26.002 DISP Select Type J thermocouple. 26.003 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the CALIBRATOR JACK 26.003 DISP (T1 connector, top left side), using type J thermocouple 26.003 DISP wire and connectors. 26.004 DISP Enter -200 26.005 5500 -200degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TM 2W 27.001 DISP Enter 32 27.002 5500 32degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TM 2W 28.001 DISP Enter 750 28.002 5500 750degC 0.1% 0.6U _J TM 2W 29.001 DISP Select degF. 29.001 DISP Enter -340 29.002 5500 -340degF 0.1% 1U _J TM 2W 30.001 DISP Enter 0 30.002 5500 0degF 0.1% 1U _J TM 2W 31.001 DISP Enter 1350 31.002 5500 1350degF 0.1% 1U _J TM 2W 32.001 HEAD {T TYPE THERMOCOUPLE} 32.002 DISP Select Type T thermocouple. 32.003 DISP Connect the 5500A TC terminals to the CALIBRATOR JACK 32.003 DISP (T1 connector, top left side), using type T thermocouple 32.003 DISP wire and connectors. 32.004 DISP Enter -320 32.005 5500 -320degF 0.1% 1U _T TM 2W 33.001 DISP Enter 0 33.002 5500 0degF 0.1% 1U _T TM 2W 34.001 DISP Enter 750 34.002 5500 750degF 0.1% 1U _T TM 2W 35.001 DISP Select degC. 35.001 DISP Enter -195 35.002 5500 -195degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TM 2W 36.001 DISP Enter 32 36.002 5500 32degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TM 2W 37.001 DISP Enter 390 37.002 5500 390degC 0.1% 0.6U _T TM 2W 38.001 END